
Parent Volunteers Vital To School Fundraising

Saints’ Night Out is a critical fundraiser for St. Dominic School, a nonprofit, as it is their most significant event of the year.  The event includes a live and silent auction, games, raffles, and dinner.  The goal of the event is to raise $100,000 to support the school’s effort to be a unique academic setting in the community.  This event would not happen without incredible volunteers like Ashley Terpstra.  Says Terpstra, “As a volunteer for this event, I take immense pride in knowing that I am doing something that truly makes a difference.”  Terpstra first started volunteering as a new parent at St. Dominic School who was looking to make connections.  With experience as an event planner, Saints’ Night Out was the perfect fit for Terpstra.  “Never did I imagine that I would gain so many incredible friendships and the perfect opportunity for me to have a creative outlet while benefiting our school” explains Terpstra.  “Our committee puts in a lot of time and effort to make Saints’ Night Out an extraordinary event, and ultimately, we do it because we love St. Dominic School!”

Ashley Terpstra (far right) is a dedicated volunteer at St. Dominic School.